Don’t Strikeout!
To help get ready for the fall race season, the next MEAN GUY running challenge will push you to be (somewhat) consistent with your running.
Starting August 15th and ending September 12 you will simply run and log your mileage. However, if you miss three days in a row of running, you’re out of the challenge. To count as a run, it must be at least 1 mile.
The winners will be the runner with highest mileage and the runner that is closest to average mileage. Only mileage from runners still in the challenge will count towards the average mileage.
MEAN GUY running members will use their usual promo code (first initial last name) for free entry. Non members can pay $5 to enter.
Each winner will receive a $75 (MGr members) or $50 gift card to a running store of their choice. As usual, please feel free to share with all of your running friends (and enemies).
To help get ready for the fall race season, the next MEAN GUY running challenge will push you to be (somewhat) consistent with your running.
Starting August 15th and ending September 12 you will simply run and log your mileage. However, if you miss three days in a row of running, you’re out of the challenge. To count as a run, it must be at least 1 mile.
The winners will be the runner with highest mileage and the runner that is closest to average mileage. Only mileage from runners still in the challenge will count towards the average mileage.
MEAN GUY running members will use their usual promo code (first initial last name) for free entry. Non members can pay $5 to enter.
Each winner will receive a $75 (MGr members) or $50 gift card to a running store of their choice. As usual, please feel free to share with all of your running friends (and enemies).