Mean guy running memberships
Click here to join newest running community around. You will find motivation, race promo codes, product discounts, and free entry to ALL MGr challenges.
A one-year membership includes the year of entrees to MGr running challenges, any type of MGr apparel, 20% off addition MGr apparel, discounts to any MGr affiliated race/run, and bragging rights of being part of the MEANEST group of runners around.
If a family member (same house) would like to join as well, $10 can be taken off the second membership cost. A third member? Take $20 off of that cost! Fourth, take $30 off, fifth take $40 off. See the pattern?
* plus $5.95 shipping ** plus $7.95 shipping
- $40 renewal for returning members with no new apparel
- $45* t-shirt included
- $55* performance running shirt or tank top
- $60** long-sleeve tech shirt
- $65** performance hoodie
If a family member (same house) would like to join as well, $10 can be taken off the second membership cost. A third member? Take $20 off of that cost! Fourth, take $30 off, fifth take $40 off. See the pattern?
* plus $5.95 shipping ** plus $7.95 shipping