We are well into the 2022 baseball into season which means it is time for STRIKEOUT! This challenge starts on Monday, August 29th and runs for four weeks. The final day of Strikeout is Sunday, September 25th.
All you need to do is run and log your mileage. However, if you miss three days in a row of running, you get an out! What does an out do for running? Well, it takes out your longest run of the challenge. Each out will eliminate your current longest run.
To count as an "official" run, it must be at least 1 mile.
The winners will be the runner with the highest mileage and the runner that is closest to average mileage.
MEAN GUY running members will get a free entry and can win $75. Non members can pay $5 to enter and win $25.
All you need to do is run and log your mileage. However, if you miss three days in a row of running, you get an out! What does an out do for running? Well, it takes out your longest run of the challenge. Each out will eliminate your current longest run.
To count as an "official" run, it must be at least 1 mile.
The winners will be the runner with the highest mileage and the runner that is closest to average mileage.
MEAN GUY running members will get a free entry and can win $75. Non members can pay $5 to enter and win $25.