MEAN GUY running Jr. is here to provide motivation and support for the next generation of runners (12 and under) using junior running challenges. These challenges will mirror the typical MGr running challenges but will be adapted with shorter distances, more points, and other accommodations to ensure our young runners enjoy themselves.
Current challenge weekly running reset jr 6/5-7/2
Weekly Running Reset Junior - Weekly mileage is compiled, points are earned, and then it gets done again. Four times.
Run. Log. Reset. Repeat. For four weeks starting Sunday, June 5th and ending on July 2nd. Runs can be any distance.
At the end of each week, the mileage is compiled and the first round of rankings comes out. Whatever place the runner finishes that week, that is the number of points earned. Then, reset. Repeat. After four weeks, the LOWEST number of points wins. If there is a tie, mileage will be the tie breaker.
This challenge is FREE for any runner 12 and under.
There will be TWO overall winners. That's right TWO! The first winner will be the runner with the least points. The second winner will be the runner in the middle of the pack, the MEDIAN.
Run. Log. Reset. Repeat. For four weeks starting Sunday, June 5th and ending on July 2nd. Runs can be any distance.
At the end of each week, the mileage is compiled and the first round of rankings comes out. Whatever place the runner finishes that week, that is the number of points earned. Then, reset. Repeat. After four weeks, the LOWEST number of points wins. If there is a tie, mileage will be the tie breaker.
This challenge is FREE for any runner 12 and under.
There will be TWO overall winners. That's right TWO! The first winner will be the runner with the least points. The second winner will be the runner in the middle of the pack, the MEDIAN.